Wednesday, April 4, 2007

New blog, new car and, most wonderfully, a new husband!

Firstly - welcome to my new blog! I say 'my' however Leigh, my husband (can you believe it??) may make an appearance occasionally so let's say 'our'. It comes with the opening of a new chapter of life. I think the title of this entry says it all so let's get on with it.

The last 4 weeks have been challenging and wonderful, no doubt about that. Today was definitely a red letter day as Leigh and I purchased a new car! HOORAY! It's a shiny new Mazda3 MaxSport sedan. I'm so excited. It's Galaxy Grey in colour so I think there is no other name to call her but STAR! It feel a little different to own a sedan in comparison to owning a hatch, a little more grown up maybe... I have spent my life saying 'when we grow up...' Well, here we go!

Now that we have a car we can finally move out of our parent's houses!

Tomorrow we continue to hit the pavement looking jobs to pay for this new car! Wish us luck!


ReckenRoll said...

Congrats on the new car, the new blog and the new husband! I will add you to my blog links. Can't wait to hear all the new news!


Unknown said...

Love the new blog - can't wait to keep reading all about your new life back in Oz. And congratulations again on reaching so many wonderful milestones in the last 4 weeks - I've seen a few photos from various people but can't wait to see more/hear more! Love to you and Leigh - Kate xx

Unknown said...

Guys, congratulations! So exciting to see the photos the guys brought back. You both looked so happy, and what an amazing looking wedding! With moving, getting married, job searching and setting up home you must be knackered! Way too much energy :-) Enjoy, and contratulations again! Love the blog. Ross & Mat